Letter from Dr. Walters, (UCF):
Thank you everyone for a great shoreline stabilization day on Saturday!
We had 62 people present, including 8 boats, to stabilize severely eroded shoreline at Canaveral National Seashore’s Oyster Bay site that is culturally and historically important to all of us.
In addition to being a prehistoric shell midden of unique importance, it was also the location of a 16th century shipwreck of French explorers.
We completed 200 meters of stabilization on Saturday – a new record for us for a site only accessible by boat!
Funding for this effort came from the National Park Service, CCA, the Fish and Wildlife Foundation, and the National Science Foundation, with in-kind support from the Marine Discovery Center, the Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Program, and, of course, everyone with boats. Thank you all! Science-based stabilization is essential to protecting our lagoon into the future!
Finally – we thank CCA and Frank Gidus for providing lunch for everyone and Greg Harrison, also CCA, for the amazing brownies!
We have ongoing Oyster Bay stabilization work days planned for: February 25, March 25, and April 22. Please join us if you can – we especially hope to make April 22 our next BIG volunteer event day (it is also Earth Day)!
Best wishes,
Linda Walters